Hi Genie! Well, the endoscopy went very well. All was normal! Thankfully! Like you, I get flare ups from time to time...but this one felt really uncomfortable. She said I can just stay with Dexilant...
Hi Sharon, Off topic, but....I love your name! That was my mom's name. 🙂 Yes, I hope you're right. These are difficult times, but in addition...I was dealing with family medical issues as well. I...
Hello all, I've been dealing with GERD issues since I was diagnosed with esophagitis in 2012. I've been on and off PPIs - but mostly on, over the past few years. I tried all of them, but the one that...
Hello all, Been a lurker for a while, but new to the forum. A bit of history.. Back in 2012, after being misdiagnosed with allergies...I researched online and found my symptoms to match LPR (silent...