I was diagnosed with Lyme back in 2006 - have had two PICCS with Rocephin and Zith and then about 1 1/2 to 2 years of orals off and on around that time also. This helped me to recover about 70 to 75...
Back in January was taken to ER for stroke like symptoms - left side weakness (lasted for days/weeks), confusion, dropping a little on left side of face, dizziness, etc. CT was clear but after their...
I am considering asking my primary to order a CD57 test. I have never had a "proper" one done by the correct lab. So I wanted to find out what lab do you use to get the right numbers so you can...
You all are so informative - thanks for all your help! I just wanted to add that "Under Our Skin" is currently available on Instant on Netflix right now if you are a member. I just watched it again...
Okay so I was diagnosed with neuro LD back in 06' - never have I had anything like last night. I woke up (so of course was half asleep - but woke me up quickly once it started happening). I started...
So, I am currently waiting for my ID doctor to get back from being out of the country. When we called him to find the status of if my insurance approved me a PICC line for the LD his nurse all he...
I have been getting sick again and my doc wants to me to go back and have PICC line, but he warned me that it is so MUCH harder to get approved than when I had it three years ago. He said he will try...
A little confused - just got my results number was 137 and percentage was 10 (told this was high?!?). These numbers are higher then when I tested a year ago (was at 42) yet I feel sicker. Doctor said...
I tried it after a doc recommended it. I used it for about two months and didn't notice any change. Since it was so expensive I decided to stop taking it. She said it was supposed to help with CD57...
I get the headaches on and off - some much more severe than others (have been to the ER when they last for days and no meds seem to help). They actually feel like the front of my head and sometimes...
So my MRI suggests that I might have this - looked on line and found that sometimes it can be found in Lyme patients. It also might describe my horrible headaches. Anyone else have this? I went to...
Have been sent to Neuro for headaches (had MRI), sent to eye doc, etc. Told them were just really bad headaches/migraines. These just seem "different" than my standard migraine. The pain seems to...
Well I was diagnosed with Lyme back in 2006 and have received PICC and oral treatment - besides SEVERE anxiety and some gastro issues from all the antibiotics was finally feeling better last year. At...
I was just wondering if anyone here had heard of a Dr. R in SC or a Dr. K in TN. If you have any info on either of these doctors please email me at rlfancher@mindspring.com and let me know. Thank you...
Over the last few years I have become used to the low temp (which shocks some people when it gets into the 95.9 ish range), but have recently been having lower blood pressure and pulse when I go to...
I have had chronic Lyme disease since 2006, but have been having other symptoms that are concerning my neurologist - like heat intolerance, lightheadness, muscle weakness in legs, numbness/tingly...
My therapist has referred me for biofeedback since the standard medication does not work for me (just the benzo type and I don't like being on too much of those). I am for the most part housebound...
I have been trying to read all the information I can find and still don't know what to think. My therapist wanted me to consider this (and also adding biofeedback at the same time possibly)....
I am going to research this Jernigan protocol further - thank you guys so much!!! I do have a quick question - just glancing at the info - there is no way with my anxiety and family situation I can...
I am currently not on any abx right now (as my last doc said we were "out of options" due to all the side effects I was experiencing). I had tried a "natural" type doc but didn't have much luck there...
I know my panic/anxiety has been extremely bad lately - and can't seem to get it under control even on meds, but I have had this symptom when my Lyme first started before my PICC and it has come back...
Sometimes I get unbearable pain - I even have thought I was rupturing more ovarian cysts and have CT and ultrasounds- my primary thinks it could be my IBS. I don't get any relief from BM or do not...
I know I read before about some people on here making a tea with fresh ginger to soothe their stomachs/gas/etc. Can anyone tell me how much ginger they use and their "process"? I bought some fresh...
I suffer from Lymphocytic colitis and IBS and have had some REALLY bad stomach pains that the doctors can't find the origin of - even had a laproscopy and all they found were my "intestines looked...
We are currently trying to find a pediatric LLMD somewhere close enough to go to as the doc who diagnosed my daughter said she needs IV treatment, but b/c she is a child she cannot treat her and has...
I have suffered with anxiety/panic for over 20 years and am for the most part housebound currently. I go my doctor's appointment (with my husband driving) but even then will have attacks - it is...
Trying to fill out a Directive for Health care before a surgery I am supposed to have (pleasant right?!?!) but I was wondering I had read somewhere that once you have had chronic Lyme disease you...
My husband heard the song by Brad Paisley called "Ticks" and dedicated it to me :-) It's kinda cute (of course we all know ticks are not cute!!!) but the song is....
From Georgia (where I have heard so many times - "I thought there wasn't Lyme in the south") Blessings, Leah...
Just wanted to see if you guys had anyone you could recommend here or close by. The one we take my son to is now contributing all his problems to everything but Lyme and told me today that he is...
I haven't had her tested for any co-infections as the doc that drew the labs for me to send off to Igenex (my ID doc) wasn't really willing to pursue the Lyme route with her after her test results...
So, we had her tested through Igenex again (also did back in 2007) in May 2009 as she was not feeling well so before I started dragging her around to doctor after doctor (since four out of five us...
When I first went in my orthopedic doc wanted to inject me with cortisone right away too, but I said that due to my Lyme I am unable to take steriods (my husband sat there rolling his eyes - believe...
I have recently been diagnosed with bursitis in my left shoulder. I have chronic pain in it and loss of some mobility (especially lifting and overhead type activities). I just wondered if this could...
We are eagerly awaiting my daughter's lab results from Igenex - but wondered one of her main symptom is chronic swollen lymph glands (in her throat) every time we go to her pediatrician he's like "oh...
Okay due to shoulder/arm pain issues have to have MRI - UGH!! Not a good history with these, so doc has given me 2mg of Ativan to take before procedure to help - is this alot? I react VERY strongly...
My daughter was recently diagnosed with this. She also have MVP, chest pains all the time, numbness, some joint pain, fatigue, headaches, and the list continues. Since she is the only person in our...
Need to have my daughter tested again (she is showing some signs and since four out five of us in our house have been positive think she should be tested again) but I have forgotten which ones I need...
Since I haven't been feeling well my primary ran all kinds of "other" labs and found me positive for mono and thinks this is adding to me not feeling well. Anyone else test positive for this? If I...
Since I tested neg for all co infections a couple of years ago through Igenex can I still have them? The current doc I go to really doesn't do much about coinfections (but he's on my insurance and...
I didn't test positive for any co - infections through igenex a couple years ago. I am currently off all antibiotics due to doc's orders b/c of all the side effects he thinks are from them. I am not...
well my symptoms were coming back and I convinced him to put me on doxy and mepron. unfortunately, I have become sick the past two months with this mysteriou digestive problems (at first thought it...
I have been on Doxy numerous times over the past couple of years so I thought I knew all the rules, but I think I might be having problems with my esophagus. The past couple days it has been getting...
Feel free to share! Just wanted to make everyone smile - I know laughter helps me get through the bad days :-) Blessings to all, Leah...
Laughing is good for us so thought I would share: To Maintain A Healthy Level Of Insanity 1. At Lunch Time, Sit In Your Parked Car With Sunglasses on and point a Hair Dryer At Passing Cars. See If...
Just wondered if anyone has any experience (good and bad) with this medicine for anxiety. I would like to know if you had side effects, how long and if you had any help with your anxiety. My primary...
We also started doing Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover - the debt snowball (have paid off about 10K of our credit card debt last year) have quite a ways to go though with credit cards and student...
Hey I have been on a combo of Risperdal and a low dose of Xanax without much success. My regular MD mentioned I might ask my psych doc about talking to him about Klonopin for longer and better...
This season so far we have watched: The Santa Clauses (we own 2 and 3 - need to get 1) Elf The Grinch who Stole Christmas A Christmas Story Polar Express (not my favorite but youngest likes it) Home...
My son's handwriting is improving a "little" bit as he is starting to feel better (after almost a year of treatment - PRAISE GOD). As for mine I still have to take it slow to be neater, but I am also...