Yes I am Canadian. Different ball game up here with the whole lyme thing. I did the injections, while I did the injections I also did the heavy metal shots and I felt worse afterwards (not disabling...
Hi, so I am going to give you a brief history of my Lyme history, to where I am now. I am not going to delve into all my symptoms because we will be here forever. I am currently 21! Male. and I will...
Soaring Free. I have been doing the healing codes, in which I am now getting help with a healing coach(stronger then the healing code in the book). I have not noticed any physical improvements yet, I...
How are the healing codes helping you now (question mark)...
Will treatment reverse neuropathy once it has occurred or is it permanent?...
Traveler. When I go into heat or sun., my limbs tingle, also my muscles constantly twitch. I am doing naturopathic medicine to beat this disease. I am actually really could you please...
So I am only 20 but I believe I have neuropathy from my lyme disease. all my limbs burn and constant twitching, weakness etc.. so once i get rid of this Lyme(remission) will this neuropathy still be...
Anyone here thought they had chrons disease until they found out they had chrons. does anyone have gastrointestinal symptoms like constant diarreha and stomach pain, etc.....
Has anyone ever beat this disease without antibiotics and only using a herbal route. if so please comment...
Has anyone used this natural herbal antibiotic and if so what was it like?...
Hi I am wondering if anyone knows any information on Cats Claw with Lyme Disease....
Yeah no more chest pains. That was resolved because it was gerd so I took PPI for 3 months now no chronic chest pain. But the origin of my gerd chest pain is from Lyme disease . I have numerous...
Am I able to eat foods such as bananas? I know they have sugar but they are natural sugars? Why do I read on some places there good and other places their bad?...
the co-infections im being test for are bartonella, babesia, echrolis and rocky mountain fever....
Nova Scotia, Canada...
1000 a day with both antibiotics...
Hi so I am on my third week of antibiotics. It is a month of biaxin(1000 a day) and then every other week of flagly(1000 a day) . So starting on my second week with both the biaxin and flagly in the...
So I am taken biaxin 1000 mg day. 500 in morning and 500 at evening. i havent noticed any herx reactions at all. Do some people dont get herx reaction with lyme disease??...
So I have my family doctor who is treating me with anti-biotics on so others doctor recommendation. the other doctor has expereicnce with lyme disease. "Recommendations for Lyme Disease. . Biaxin...
There could be a chance you have lyme disease. Lyme disease causes all sorts of neurological disease. I thought I had MS till I had blood work showing I had lyme...
Hi, I finally got my lyme disease results 2 weeks ago showing im positive from igenex. I have been feeling very suicidal past few days and I hate my life. I feel depersonalized and things just do not...
Anyway on this board have been completely cured of lyme disease?...
Hi is there anyone who knows of a doctor who is willing to treat my Lyme disease in nova scotia. If you do know please email me or tell me here...
So for several years now i have been experience several symptoms and a few days ago i finally got my results from igenex that im positive for lyme. anyway the next day i got really sharp pains in my...
I officaly have lyme disease from my igenex blood works. and possibly coinfections. What do I do now. who will treat this. is there anyone i can talk to on the phone???...
Igenex IGM Result Positive CDC/NYS Resut Positive 18 kDa. - **23-25 lDa. - 28 kDa. - 30 kDa. - **31 kDa. - **34 kDa. - **39 kDa. + **41 kDa. + 45 kDa. - 58 kDa. - 66 kDa. + **83-93 kDa. IND &...
I am trying to differentiate symptoms from lyme and ms. Lyme: chronic cough, heart palpitations, breathing issues( i do not think ms people get that). what else do people with MS dont have and lymers...
Hi guys. I want to know what symptoms of lyme disease that people with ms dont have. I do not know what I have yet but with my mysterious illness I have heart palpitations, chest pain and chronic...
I have been experience symptoms for several years now and I would like to know if there is any around nova scotia (lyme doctors)...
hi so my igenex lab kit is in now and i got my doctor to sign and stuff. BUT I DO NOT KNOW HOW TO FILL OUT THE FEDEX PAPER. im really stressed because i have a debit card with lots of money and this...
Hi so I am having crazy symptoms for about 2 years and more now with no answers. I decided to investigate lyme and i live in canada. Anyway i ordered the igenex lab kit and it said it would take...
I have no lesions on my brain but one "artificiat lesion" on my spine. Neurologist does not beleive its MS or Lyme. I am currently investigating lyme and i have ordered an igenex test. I hope its...
Does anyone here with Lyme disease have leisons on their brain or c-spine....
So I can request from my family doctor these blood tests. 1) ELISA test and 2) Western blot test. then i go get the blood work at a blood clinic and wait for results or no. I am confused...
I am just having many neurological and cardiac symptoms, I feel like giving up if you know what im saying. But this lyme disease gives me a ray of hope that there is an explanation to my pain. I am...
Cant my family doctor help me?...
For about two years i have been having many neurological symptoms very similar to ms such as optic nerutiis sensitivty to heat, arm leg weakness etc. i also have heart palpitations and etc.. but my...
Anyone have an "attack" of eye pain similar to optic neuritis in your fibromyalgia. It came really strong but left but then the pain lingered. Does anyone else notice visual disturbances or vision...
any males here with fibro and if yes what are your symptoms...
Say if you walked out into the sunlight, would the sun light make your skin tingle. and do you have alot of muscle twitches. if i asked for a lyme test for blood work what would it be....
I also have alot of the symptoms you do. I am also young and a male. I am 18 now. I have clean physical, clean mri and clean EMG. I found alot of my symptoms are increasingly worse in heat. When you...
clean mri, clean emg... symptoms are alot worse. my skin tingles in heat from sunlight to hot showers. no answers. :(....
Anyone on this board, do you experience tingling sensations(parasthesia) on the surface of your skin to heat. Heat as direct sunlight or a hot shower/bath. please respond thanks...
So I told my doctor about my suspicion about fibromyalgia which is similar to ms. burning skin to heat, eye pain etc etc.. because there is no evidence of ms on my mri in my brain and my exam was...
Do you guys find when you are in sun or heat that your skin tingles. aand these replys are helpful...
Does hot sunlight or heat cause paresthesia on the surface of the skin anywhere on your body where there is sunlight or heat exposed in individuals with fibromyalgia. I have all sorts of symptoms and...
yes but my pain reacts to exterenal environment like sun light or hot shower which makes my skin tingling where the heat or sun is on my body. sooo its not health anxiety. plus i have a whole wack of...
When I am out in sun or heat I get paresthia all over my skin or where my skin is in contact with the heat. Im very scared i have MS but my doctor doesnt think i have it plus i have a clean mri of...
The neurologist says he doesn't think I have MS. I just don't know whats causing this pain especially when I am out in heat....
I have positional tingling sensation(pins and needles) say when I put pressure on my limbs, all over my body. I do not have constant pins and needles sensation but I find it worsens with hot showers...