Having a rough week, rough day. Dizzy, headache, nervous, shaky. Anxiety has taken so much. I try to be positive and out of nowhere it hits again. I’m just so frustrated and scared that this is my...
When I am feeling high anxiety I get dizzy. When my anxiety resurfaced a couple months ago it was very hard to sleep because I was constantly dizzy when I layed down. I get dizzy throughout the day...
Thanks again Robin, very helpful!...
Thank you Robin for the response! It gives me hope that this can be fixed! My dentist said I need to wear the nite guard, so I’ve been wearing it since Monday and the soreness is a little better,...
Robin, thank you for responding! Did you have any other symptoms with it? I’ve been having head pressure that dentist/doctor think is from the clenching at night.....did you have this? It gets worse...
Hi! So, I went back to the doctor to have my blood results and everything was normal. I almost wanted something to be low or abnorma so that I could fix the problem with vitamins or something. We...
Thank you! I have gone to the dentist and he said he saw signs on grinding. I was fitted for a bite guard and should be getting it within the next 2 weeks. Hoping it eleviates some of the pressure...
Yes! I get it randomly from time to time! I try to tell myself to calm down it’s just the anxiety and it goes away fairly quickly!...
Hey, I’m new here. Stumbled upon this site while googling my symptoms for the millionth time. I have anxiety and it’s been pretty bad for the last month. I haven’t been sleeping and have started...