I am traveling in south america for work and am having panic attacks I have high cholesterol in my mid 30s and have been experiencing heart palpitations. I had a few drinks last night but am in fear...
The anxiety is revolved around getting sick, something happening to me and not being able to see my wife and kids for so lo g...
I am currently traveling overseas for work and am away for another 9 days. I am starting to feel my anxiety kicking in for numerous things. Internally I know why I am using coping but I feel I am...
Hi All, So weird situation, I have been feeling a bit off since Wednesday so to appease my wife took a at home Covid test and tested a very light positive so took PCR test to confirm which results...
So I have been very panicked the last few days as a work colleague in our office was diagnosed w Covid I got all clear from dr but now I have upper right and middle abdomen pain and hip pain which...
We have noticed mice droppings in our house recently and have caught a few as I was going to clean a vaccumed and when outside may have come in contact with dust from cleanup Now I am panicked I...
My concern is I have a piece of food lodged in and will randomly start choking any idea how to tell difference...
Over last few weeks I have felt like something is stuck in my throat off and on it’s not often but typically if I eat peanut butter or in morning. Am having panic I will randomly start choking any...
I was waiting about 20 mins and I felt the anxiety building as the wait continued which helped me cope...
Morning, So yesterday there was a health screening at work and my BP was way high 150/90 which was a bit strange. My BP has been high in past due to HA but has been regulated more recently w coping...
Hi all, Am traveling for business and am dealing w a bit of anxiety something bad is going to happen. Had a few alcoholic beverages and now my body and mind are in overdrive something is wrong!...
I have experience twitching in my left eye and right cheek next to nose over past two days any advice how to get rid of?...
Where to start am doing a trip to Disney with kids tomorrow and the financial burden and all the planning have me extremely stressed out. Today am feeling nauseous and dizzy has been a difficult day...
Thank you I did use resources and helped a lot...
Went to Dr all was cleared now I am having extreme neck pain and my body is twitching randomly very scary...
Thanks, Had physical 3 months ago was considered to be in perfect health outside of low vitamin B....
Have had leg pain, dizziness and chest tightness over last 4 weeks took it as muscle pain from working out but read this is symptoms of DVT and now am freaking out!...
Been to GP over last month all checked out clean bill of health may be related to teeth clenching they also advised to get blue light glasses for work due to florescent light under computer screen...
It’s been awhile I have have been experiencing extreme pressure in my left eye recently especially during working and it’s getting very stressful as I cannot focus to top that off have neck pain and...
@chutz I was in Zoloft and had to change Drs and no longer have a scrip and have been off basically cold turkey for a month or so! The panic is I am not sure if it’s TMJ related, Zoloft withdrawal...
Everyday this feeling gets worse tightness in the right side of my body eye pin dizziness and off balance feeling. I am too afraid to go see a dr as I feel I may have a brain tumor. My heart tells me...
This happens regularly but not to this extent I feel like my head is going to explode I think due to tmj but can’t tell at the moment. It doesn’t help I was at a water park all day yesterday and...
Why a day, Spent day at a theme park yesterday and my muscles are weak. I feel super dizzy and heavy breathing and am freaked out I will lose consciousness. Am uncontrollably shaking and my head...
I have been experiencing leg weakness recently especially after running or bending for longer periods of time. My legs keep feeling as if I have done squats when I haven’t. I actually work upper body...
Good morning, Dealing w a bit of a panic attack here! Had pizza, steak and sausage basically all weekend and my stomach has been a bit off and randomly this morning my stool was yellow which is...
As always thanks. I also worked out pretty hard yesterday so maybe that added on to it. I have also been grinding my teeth. More so maybe that’s why my face feels off...
I am experiencing what seems to be a panic attack my face feels numb and my arm feel off and I feel off balanced started after my morning coffee. I am home alone w my kids as my wife is out of town...
I noticed a small bump under my skin on back of neck last night and am now freaking out that it’s cancer. It’s right in crease of left side of neck right below hairline. Could it be lymphoma or...
I am in fear I undercooked turkey sausage as it cooked for like 15 mins the outside looked good and it seemed ok but texture was chewy but that’s typically his ground turkey tastes now in fear we’re...
Yea work is crazy and always running out door!...
Over the last few months I have been forgetting to take zoloft regularly and at one point went about 2 weeks without. And have been inconsistently taking and have been recently expericing worse...
Thabks am feeling better still in hear I am having a stroke or heart attack but trying to use coping...
Yea I haven’t eaten anything at all and now and hyperventilating and trying to calm down...
Literally just finished a coffee and am shaky anxious dizzy...
Thanks I am also noticing it happens after I have coffee. I have one cup daily but it seems it’s this happens about 30 mins after consuming...
Typically on top right or right temple back of right side and right neck due to TMJ mostuo...
Yea it’s freaking me out that I’m about to pass out or have an aneurysm as I have had a neck strain over last few days...
Is it normal to feel like your swaying back and forth when standing and you close your eyes?...
I have been experiencing a constant anxiety that something bad is going to happen ever since why happened in Florida that coupled with a large amount of stress from buying a new house and a lot going...
It's 2am I woke up confused and all over the place I was dreaming about work and when I woke up I felt like my head was in a million places and I did g have control of thoughts and everything was...
As I have said the many times I have posted my biggest fears are things I can't control like dropping dead without any health issues or having a stroke etc. it all feeds from ptsd of a near death...
Thx unfortunately no chance to lay down as I am at work just chugging along hoping to get through! It doesn't help that TMJ headaches are on same side...
Have had a head ache with blurred vision in my right eye and it feels heavy. Had appt 6 months ago w eye dr and all was clear but it is causing major anxiety something serious is wrong and I am going...
Hello, I have recently had pain in my ribs that started 2 days after a work out it went away buy came buck under my right rib yesterday after sneezing should I be concerned it is pretty painful when...
I have gone through the cycle of fear but am feels BG anbot better...
Yea it's about that time a lot going on. In process of buying a house etc so stress is extra high and wife is out of town and am alone w kids so this is typically what sets my anxiety off...
I have but anxiety is making it worse thinking I am having a stroke or a brain tumor and will have a seizure...
Hello, I have been experiencing a head ache on the right side of my head/neck and am getting anxious I have been clenching teeth due to stress and have TmJ on right side does this pain correlate to...
Was walking home today and suddenly felt off my heart rate stayed in 100s for over an hour felt faint for awhile then stomach ache then panic attack now back of head hurts and sort of freaking out is...
Have had a temp of 99.5 last 2 days and woke up at 101.6 this morning. Am freaking out that it's cancer or something serious as this is the first time I've had a fever in over 15 years. It gives me...