Pls pls help me. I’m 42 here, female…I’ve had a dry cough for two months with constant throat clearing thought it could be anxiety thing but now it’s turned into a productive cough and I am...
Last year in March, it started with the feeling I need to go….sit on the toilet nothing would come out. Fast forward a year later I am having horrible lower abdominal cramps, now almost consistently....
Hello everyone, I am a 42 year old female and I am on my wits end. I NEVER had this problem but I Have been constiptated for nearly a month. I mean terrible constipation and bloody :((( I am so...
Hello everyone, please please help me!!! I AM PETRIFIED I HAVE CANCER. For the past 5 weeks every couple of days or so I get this foul metallic taste in my mouth and when I spit into a tissue it has...
Omg Park how are you?! Its been a long time since we were keeping in touch during our pregnancies :) I hope you are well! I had my ultrasound this morning, trans and I am waiting, of...
Hi everyone please help me I am convinced I have cervical or endometrial cancer!!!!! The past three times after intercourse I have had spotting. Not enough to get on my underwear but definitely blood...
Hi everyone I hope you can help me because right now I am convinced I have either cancer or a tumor!!! The past two weeks I have ad issues urinating I feel I need to go and when I do either nothing...
Hello everyone I have been suffering from health anxiety for almost 8 years now. It goes in phases...but right now its at an all time high...when I was on vacation I started getting these electric...
Hello everyone pleasehelp me as I am convinced I have C! My back pain started 4 weeks ago and until now it hasn't relented!!! It comes in waves, for a few hours I will feel perfectly normal and think...
Thankyou for your reply straydog. I dont think it is a parasite as I took 1000mg of antibiotics (preemptively) and it hasnt changed a thing. Of course I keep reading google and I keep getting cancer...
I was overseas and just about when my period finished (it was an extra heavy one) I started to get intense back pain and then my bowels completely took a turn. Its been 2 weeks of intense back pain...
I am 39 years old will be 40 in a couple of months and I have noticed that my periods are becoming excessively heavy. I am very worried! I read online heavy bleeding can be a sign of a precancerous...
Hi everyone I have been suffering with anxiety for over 7 years now its horrible!!! Every weird sensation (I am hypersensitive to them now) send my mind into deep and dark areas. I am so scared of...
I have a VERY BIG FEAR of breast cancer. I am 38 years old (39 next month), I am high risk for breast cancer due to family history and I believe all the biopsies I had were self driven due to...
Thank you Bianca! How long after radiation started did your dad start feeling relief from his symptoms? My dad is in terrible pain from headaches. We still have to wait a week before he is scheduled...
Dime you do not know how happy that makes me!!!! Can I ask you the dizziness and headaches did they disappear after the radiation. My dad has weakness in his legs...very wobbly and terrible...
Dime thank you so so much for your reply. I am so glad to hear your dad is well now. My dad has skull Mets so they will do IMRT hippocampus soaring. Did your dad do whole brain IMRT I am so so scared...
Hello everyone my dad has had metastatic prostate cancer for nearly 8 years now (limited to the bone no soft tissue invasion). Just last month he was having terrible headaches and blurry vision and...
I have the worst health anxiety to begin with it is a terrible of getting cancer...I wish I wish I wish I did not do genetic testing but I did (and no it can not be a false positive I got it done at...
Hi everyone, I have suffered for health anxiety for a good five years now. It is on and off but right now it is intense. For the past three weeks I have this feeling in my upper left arm like a...
Hi my dad is being treated at the Cleveland Clinic, but he was Dr Myers patient for many many years. I was looking for a doctor who thinks outside the box and can customize a treatment pair my dad...
Anyone have the contact for Dr. Myers, is he still practicing?...
Hi everyone I am posting on this site because I really need help. You guys helped me a lot the first few years my dad was diagnosed. Right now, he has stopped all treatment and is blood transfusion...
Hi everyone, for hte past three months my periods which are very very regular (every 28 days) have been all over the place. The past two months I got them every 21 days and now Its been 5 weeks and...
Nikki, how are you feeling? I hope you are feeling better. I am trying to stay away from the news it is helping a bit and with the idea whatever happens happens. I don't know how long it will work...
Thank you guys! Its the reality. I mean I don't know how people with anxiety already are dealing with this. I hate to watch the news because it sends me in panic mode but can't help myself either....
Anyone worried about this virus? It seems as though it is never going to go away until a vaccine comes out which is close to 18 months away! With the measures in place now (trying to mitigate not...
Please help me, my left nipple is so sensitive. If I touch it, I feel this weird sensation like a sting, it scares me because my right nipple does not feel this way! It also lasts for a minute...
Hi Karen, I went to the doctor she told me she is certain its nothing but offered an ultrasound only because she saw me anxious about it, but she said again I am sure its nothing. She told me, you...
Hi everyone please help me I finish from one thing and up starts another. I am on my period now, and my left nipple has been stinging throughout the day. I never ever had this before and it is...
Thank you everyone for your replies. It seems when I was very aware of it, it happened more. It kind of subsided when my mind was busy, I definitely noticed that. I will definitely ask a professional...
Hi everyone I have this problem I don't know where it is coming from. I have to urinate every 2 hours even without drinking!!!! Not only that alot of urine comes out but I don't know from where all...
Thank you guys, It seems to be an isolated episode. Well, I was right about the start my period, hopefully that has something to do with it. I am also 38 can it be premenopause? I hope it doesnt...
I have been doing yoga for three months now (all basic levels). I never ever felt hot let alone broke a sweat. Today I got so so hot and I was sweating like crazy that I needed to take a break. I am...
I hope your littlest is feeling better! The flu is something very scary (I am sorry you had da panic attack) I hope you are feeling better too!!! My Daughter is 6 and my son is 3.5, and yes they do...
Park!!!! How are you? I miss u! How are the kids? I remember we were pregnant together :) colon cancer does not run in my family but with health anxiety and all of course my main fear is colon...
Good morning everyone, and happy new year! I am so happy to put 2019 behind me because it was a year of terrible terrible health anxiety. I am 38 but I feel 68 and all these anxiety has aged me, I...
Thank you for your reply Tela but its on my left side, I think gallstones and issues with the galbladder are on the right side if I am not mistaken?...
Yesterday I woke up in the morning to this burning sensation in my lower rib area (under my breast). It comes like waves every other minute, it comes burns and then goes. I don't know what it is. It...
thank you, its not too bad only feel it when i extend my neck to the left or when i look down. I am just worried I have cancer growing somewhere I don't know all these negative thoughts overtake me :(...
Hi everyone I am so thankful for this forum. Again I am here for stiff neck pain, it was very stiff a couple of weeks ago, so painful. Now the pain is stil there but les intensity. It mainly happens...
Thank you so much Scaredy, thankfully it has been three days and I have not seen anymore blood. But of course something new has appeared (pain in my left shoulder, well neck and it radiates down). It...
Thank you everyone. I am sorry for not following up Scaredy. I had an ultrasound and a mammogram. It turned out to be a huge pocket of super dense breast tissue. Although I am super relieved, I know...
Its been a week so far, I have a very very mild cold maybe but when I spit up in the morning there is always some blood. Dark blood and bright red blood. This never happened to me before even with...
Has anyone on this forum Had a hard lump that turned out to be fibrocystic change instead of cancer...
Thank you. Can cysts be hard and round ? I’m scared this lump is large and hard...
Scaredy, you get lumps that appear and disappear like the ones I described? When you get one you never get it checked out?...
Thank you Scaredy how are you so sure it’s nothing??? I am worried sick..I didn’t sleep the whole night and I have two little kids I don’t know how I am going to make it through the weekend.. also...