Giving back: I was treated for prostate cancer in 2010 with brachytherapy. Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto has been keeping an eye on me since then, although I didn’t get my test done last year...
I was treated with brachytherapy at Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto eleven years ago. I went back for my annual test this week. The news: May 2010 psa 5.54 July 2020 9.58 Nov 2010 7.88 Dec 2010...
Giving back... I was treated with brachytherapy at Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto ten years ago — much helped along the way by this forum. Got my tenth year test results a few days ago. Here’s...
A year ago I posted my results from my 2010 treatment with brachytherapy at Princess Margaret Hospital, which went like this: May 2010 psa 5.54 Nov 2010 7.88 Dec 2010 4.35 Mar 2011 4.74 Sep 2011 2.64...
As a footnote those numbers are slightly different than what I originally posted. Interesting... but I just rechecked and above is what's in my record. Oh well -- basic story is the same....
Although I read up on news here, I haven't posted in quite awhile. So, I thought I would, to report that my doctor asked me at my last appointment a few weeks ago if I wanted to be discharged from...
I went for my sixth month PSA test at the Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto this week. The arc: October 2010 (one month after procedure): 7.44 December 2010 (three months after procedure): 4.54...
I'm -- let's see -- four months into the brachytherapy radioactive seed therapy, responding to a similar biopsy. Diagnosed in June, I began my investigation into options by speaking to one of...
Very reassuring! Thank you all and all the best for the season -- including, I hope, better sleep at night....
On September 9, 2010 I had the last of a series of pre-procedure PSA tests: the number came in at 5.54. (I was dianoses as t1c; four cores positive out of 12, gleason 6 in late June). I had...
Boy this is a surgery site! But here is an update on what I think to be a good alternative in my case -- a brachytherapy treatment. As I relate above I went in for this treatment on September 28th....
i'll take a first crack at these and there are others here who know a lot more: Sore throat from intubation: comes with the territory with any surgical procedure requiring anaesthetics, alas. Mine...
A thanksgiving update: I give thanks after 12 days that so far things are going very well indeed. Ending the cipro course was a good thing -- i felt much less dizzy and foggy after the last of those...
In his post above, Jim/Tudpock sets out a case of brachytherapy which I agree with, word-for-word. So I'll just offer you my own experience. I went in for a brachytherapy procedure last Tuesday. I...
Thank you David. I've been following your own passage last week. I bet, like me, you're happy to be home....
i'm tolerating the cipro well so far -- apparently it is something some folks are allergic to. Ditto to the bruising. Looks like a bar fight morning after, but doesnt hurt. I'm sharing the bias as...
Here's the regime they prescribe at the Princess Margaret: Tamsulosin (generic "flomax") 0.4 mg a day, at bedtime. The written material says "after your brachytherapy procedure, the dose may be...
very keen to hear any advice. i asked one of the nurses about taking a higher dose of flomax (the written materials i was given talk about going to two pills a day). she said that was not a great...
My wife said i was pretty funny coming out of anesthesia but I apparently didn't say anything too outrageous for which I am grateful. I did start the flomax a week ago. I think there was just a bit...
...which wasn't a great idea. Two-thirds of the way through the cup of tea, I had to run to the bathroom and was violently ill. The nurse was not too concerned -- that happens sometimes after...
Well, I'm "on the other side" of this procedure... almost. Bit of a wait this morning before they got around to me. Then friendly, smiling staff wheeled me into the OR. I was handled a bag full of...
I'm sitting in the waiting room waiting to be called. If you would like to imagine a surreal moment, try this: the room is full of glum surgery patients; the "price isvright" is blaring on a big tv;...
Thank you for these comments. Very helpful! erbob: Wow a drive from Chicago to Colorado a day and a half after your procedure I'm impressed. I've done that drive (south from Saskatchewan to North...
I'm going in Tuesday for brachytherapy procedure at Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto. Last week was prep time with the anesthesiologist. A visit to Toronto Western Hospital to be blood tested,...
i carefully read all the BT threads i could find here including yours, which i found very encouraging and played a big role in electing this therapy. thank you for writing it. personally i thought...
My next adventure is on September 21st -- to meet the anesthesiologist. Showtime is September 28th. I'm planning to take that week off work and then... Not quite sure what to expect. Muted...
A blogpost on about PC experience ...