This website helped me so much. I'm sorry to announce my father passed. Not from prostate cancer, it was from pneumonia related to the virus. We found Dr. Moran on this site, which if anyone is...
It's been another year and Dad's most recent PSA is 0.03 (YaY!). We feel pretty lucky to have found this website. We did, however, have a scare after Dad was diagnosed with colon cancer in February...
One thing I forgot to mention is that Dad’s PSA was only 3.1 at the time of diagnosis. His initial biopsy was negative. He had another test, however, which is a more sensitive genetic marker that...
Just an update, it's been over a year and Dad is doing great. His most recent PSA is 0.01. We feel pretty lucky to have found Dr. Moran and this website. Thanks for your support....
My dad, age 81, was diagnosed with prostate cancer (Gleason score 9) on August 15, 2013. We agonized about what treatment would be most effective including LDR, HDR, HIFU, Proton Beam, EBRT, and/or...