Thanks everyone for your insight and I agree with all of you that a sleep test won't rule out Lyme even if I comes back positive for a sleeping problem. It would not explain all of the other symptoms...
Hi all! I met with a new primary doctor and she wants me to go an out patient sleep center to see if I have a sleeping problem which could be the cause for my chronic fatigue. Have any of you been...
Thanks Sarah! I just sent you an email back....
Looking for LLMD in the Princeton, NJ area. Thank you!...
Thank you all for your responses and warm welcome to the group. @tickbite and Sarah: I had an IGG and IGM blot tests done and the bands came out non-reactive and negative. The only test that came out...
Hello, In the Summer of 2010 I had bulls eye rash from a bite that lead me to go to the doctors and they prescribed me an antibiotic for Lyme Disease without doing a blood test because I would have...