1000daisies, Could you email me the name, address and phone number of the place where you go? Thanks...
I'm from southwest Michigan and was wondering if there is a treatment center that actually works that works with both antibiotics and natural treatments? I doctor with Dr. Lxxxxx in Saginaw right...
What do you do to knock back the yeast?...
Thank you all...
I have had Lyme disease for over 20 years, but was just diagnosed. One of the things that I am really struggling with is being overheated. Every morning when I get ready to go to work, I end up...
Thank you...
I believe I have Lyme Disease. I have been on a very long journey including a Holistic Doctor who diagnosed me through a muscle response test, another doctor who showed me the Lyme from my blood...
Is there somewhere I can go in southwest Michigan? Do you recommend Mayo or Cleveland Clinic?...