I have to pay for the current doc. She agreed to see my daughter under her functional medicine (ie cash only) practice as she's not 18. No insurance involvement whatsoever. We are fortunate in that...
I chose the current doc because she's an actual MD who is into functional medicine. I got tired of other docs adding an alphabet soup of dx's and/or telling us stuff was in my daughter's head. She...
Thanks for confirming what I suspected. I did a TON of reading and research this morning before coming to my conclusion that she's positive for lyme. The 31+++ could explain why she seems to be...
Finally got a hold of the IGeneX report for my daughter. If she has lyme, she contracted it in Europe. We lived there 2010-2013. Her symptoms began ~2011. We were living on the edge of a forest that...
Finally heard from the Dr's office - IGeneX came back "indeterminate" and they ordered the follow up test. I'm going to call back tomorrow and ask to see the actual test results for each band. I...
Since I hate it when people come to forums and ask questions and never return, I thought I should post an update. Things aren't going so well. And we STILL don't have the Igenex results going on 4...
@Pirouette - thank you for laying it out step by step. That's really what I need right now. Makes it easier to tackle one step at a time. @Girlie - Doxy or minocycline are drugs of last resort, and...
Thanks for the responses. If I dig through my tax folder, I'll find the receipt for the abx, but I'm 90% sure it was azithromycin. She's allergic to penicillin (had a reaction as an infant and it...
I've been busy reading up on Lyme lately, as a new doctor thinks that's what is causing my daughter's problems and I have to concur. She was completely healthy until around age 11/12 and everything...