Goggle "Science David Bradley What is Protomyxzoa Rheumatica" dated April 16' 14..... In the paper written by Dr. Fry in 2014, he writes that " preliminary findings need to be confirmed by...
I do not know of any lab but Dr. Fry's that tests for Protomyxzoa or if any other lab has ever confirmed his findings.... including his new discovery about Funneliformis Mosseae....the "protozoal to...
I have been treated by Dr. Fry since 2009 for the protozoan PR that had never been discovered before his lab isolated it. Don't labs cross check their DNA match on a periodic basis to make sure there...
Dear Jennydancingfish, please share who in Texas treated your family. I contacted Beth at the Texas Lyme Disease Assoc. and was told there are no LLMDs in my city, and "many people travel out of...
I would appreciate some input. Traveler said that Dr. Fry is not big on diagnosing Lyme. Sebreg said that Dr. Fry was overfocused on PR and that although he/she does have Lyme and Bartonella, that he...