What is pulsing? I actually didn't even take the flagyl yet because I feel like death as is and don't want to feel worse. I'm not on anything else. I haven't even been able to afford an LLMD and...
I read that someone's llmd had them on flagyl before because flagyl can kill bacteria in the cyst form. Has anyone actually taken these two together?...
I actually tried a coffee enema as someone here recommended it, but even though I only used a teaspoon coffee to 2 cups water it made me very very anxious. I never drink coffee because lately it...
Also I'd like to add that yesterday and today have been awful. My anxiety is through the roof because of how my heart feels. I did also try a coffee enema which made everything worse. I have charcoal...
Yes I think it does...
I did find an LLMD, but he didn't tell me how much a visit costs. All he told me was his patients pay 1-2k a month on treatment. I spoke to him on the phone while I was in the hospitals yesterday...
I just had to call an ambulance for myself yesterday because out of nowhere while I was laying down my heart had some strong extra beats and then it felt like there was a clamped fist around it. ER...
Also I feel like maybe trying to explain some of my symptoms may be helpful? Some of the earliest ones I can even recall (brain fog and awful memory) are numbness and sometimes tingling sensations in...
Ok now the problem I'm running into, how do I tell my doctor these things? My family doctor thinks Lyme is out of the question and I don't know how to convince them it's not. I actually kind of...
Just looked through mychart and the only thing I could find was FT4 results. Last test was the 15th and it shows 0.83 ng/dL and says the standard is 0.58-1.64 ng/dL. I always ask the doctors about...
bee venom therapy. To understand the politics at play please watch under our skin with your loved ones What is bvt? They said since I was negative for IgM antibodies that there's no way I have it...
I have been on thyroid medicine for at least 8 months now. I do have neurological symptoms....
I do feel like I'll pass out. I get so light headed, blurred vision and I find it's actually hard to hold my head up. I also walk like an old woman....
Do you know where would be the best place to buy herbs? I heard of green dragon botanicals, but I was wondering if there was something even better perhaps? Another thing, I hear you must get rid of...
What is bvt? They said since I was negative for IgM antibodies that there's no way I have it anymore which I refuse to believe. Every ER dr, my family dr and specialist I've seen tell me that...
Also to know more about me I'm only 22. My life has come to me being bed ridden. I've lost friends, family members and even my relationship over this because I can't prove to them I have Lyme disease...
Earlier this year I had awful debilitating symptoms that lasted a few weeks and then I felt ok for a few months. As of about 4 months ago all of my symptoms came back, but even worse than before....