I am suffering from inflammation throughout my body as well. I can feel in my feet, hands, and shoulders the most. My rheumy told me I wasn’t inflamed but psychological! Oddly and unfortunately I had...
I saw this today looking at other things. I started down this downward spiral having eye issues (pain,cluster headaches, redness) and moved on to have some muscle and neuropathy issues. One day my...
Thank you both! Is skin itching/burning a thing? Most days I’m fine, but other days my skin feels like it’s burning or like today I have itches all over. The burning isn’t the “normal” neuropathy...
Yes, I started on Doxy, but was having a pretty rough time so I was switched to amoxicillin for now. Less severe “herx” but still has its moments. I’m also taking Acyclovir due to the Suspicion the...
Thanks for your input. Is it possible to have a co-infection not show up on the test? Mine didn’t show it, but I also wasn’t “cdc positive” not sure how all that works. Yes, my LLMD put me on the...
I should maybe also add... beginning of December had a CT scan with contrast of my chest- nothing odd. X-ray end of December nothing odd. The rhumey ran my CK and muscle enzyme thinking maybe I had...
Hello there. I was diagnosed with Lyme about a month ago after beginning to have eye issues and neurological issues back in June of 19. Many doctors, a diagnosis of Sjögren syndrome with high ANA I...