My last msg was meant for Flowermay45 Mixed up the names. I’m just devastated to be back in hospital. I hope stelara works🤞...
Thank you Sara! Hope you’re keeping well. How is the filgotinib working for you? I had a scope today. Mayo 2 in the rectum and Mayo 3 sigmoid 30cm. So I was admitted for I’ve steroids. Now staring...
Hi Sara14, Yes 5 weeks on this now. Only seen a slight improvement. It's similar to biologics, so can take up to 12 weeks to kick in. I've mild headaches from it. I take CBD oil for this. Started...
Thanks Sara. Gives me hope🤞 I'm not on steroids at the moment. Just being careful with food. I've done two courses of IV steroids in the passed and never got good. Always blood for months after....
Thanks for the replies. Going for bloods tests today. The reports take two weeks to come back...aggghhh, too long to wait. Steroids are not working and Infliximab failed. Vedolizumab was next, but...
Hello friends of healing well, Thinking of trying Jyseleca for UC flare. Has anyone tried this? If so, did you have improvement? Good or bad, I'd be really interested to hear. At the moment I'm on...