10 days ago i started having testicular, pelvic and abdominal pain. Went to the doc but ultrasound was clear for the testicles and pain there subsided. Was asked if i had back pain but didn’t have...
Hello, My PSA came back at 0.46, has anyone had such a low PSA but tested positive (without previously having PCA)? I have intense pins and needles in legs and arms, horrid back pain, dull, in the...
It’s the symptoms, i have never had as much as a common cold and i have had HPV for about 12 years which doubles the risk from what i have read. It’s just so strange despite a 0.46 PSA, my balance...
Yes, 32 yr old male. Pain urinating started, terrified....
Hello, I’m in a scare for small cell PCA. I’m a 32M, 0.46 PSA level, lots of symptoms that came on suddenly (sharp back pain in the mid/upper and burning between shoulder blades, thigh pain, pain on...
Hi everyone, I’m about to received diagnoses in this grading, don’t ask me how i know please. Did anyone else feel back pain, pins and needles in legs, and thigh and random pain across the back/chest...